What would you do if you accidentally dropped your iPhone from quite a peak, and ended up having your screen cracked after the fall, or the worst part if the housing or the back shell of your iPhone is bent? This is probably the worst thing that could happen to your iPhone physically and it’s heartbreaking to see the condition of your iPhone. Out of all parts of iPhone replacement, I have to agree that the housing replacement is one of the most difficult part to change and it takes some time to do, as it requires all the hard work, professional skills and steady hands of repairing. Replacing the housing is which you have to take all of the components and parts out, those little ant-sized screws, flex cables attached to the motherboard, functional buttons, all of those that you can find in the iPhone when disassembling, and you transfer them to a new piece of aluminium with a better condition.




The back shell of an iPhone is only available from third party manufacturers, as you all know that Apple would never give any of theirs to theirs party repair shops as this is against their policy. On a daily basis, we came across many phone problems related to a dropped iPhone. With a bent iPhone housing, it is as nerve-racking and nail-biting as it sounds. For your information, it could affect your motherboard (fingers crossed not!) as the motherboard is placed and tightened by screws through the housing of the iPhone. The motherboard is positioned at the right hand side of of the housing. So, if this aluminium piece is bent on the right hand side, the motherboard will also shapes with the bent, and will damage the Integrated Chips (IC) soldered on the motherboard. This will result to a noticeable failure such as the screen would not show any display, this could happen if your Display IC (the IC that controls the display on the screen) on the motherboard is damaged.





I would like to share with you some of pros and cons of changing the back shell of your iPhone. If you have in mind of replacing your housing just to make your iPhone appears more stylish and appealing, as the the housing comes with plenty of custom colors such as blue and red, with these colors people will tend to think that you probably have one of the “limited edition” iPhones! There is also some of the basic colors of an iPhone such as gold, space grey and rose gold. But we would not recommend it. This can be justified that the original housing of your iPhone has a special antenna installed, so that your network, WIFI and GPS have a stronger connection. So it is not a rational decision to put this beneficial use to waste.

Anyhow, the housing from third parties are mostly lighter, but it is not as strong as the original housing. Not to mention the feel of the third parties housing is usually dull and the Apple logo on the outer side of the housing will seem to be either sink o raised a little in position. This could be because of the use of a lower grade of aluminium, and not even close tot he quality of the original housing. Week after week, you will find out that the material of the housing will start to scuff and degrade from time to time. Even that the cons of housing replacement overweighs the pros of it, it is always the best option if you have a dent housing that could possibly drag to even more damage to the phone.




IPRO Ampang provides housing replacement if you have dents and bents on your iPhone housing that acquires changing. The housing replacement takes approximately about 1 to 2 hours. We suggest you to do the housing replacement only if it is in bad condition. We would share thoughts with you about this before proceeding with the housing replacement.




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