iPhone 7 Plus Battery Drain Issue Repair
Good day guys
Battery capacity is normally considered to how long a battery can last. Bigger battery capacity usually takes longer time to charge. But now days many manufacturer have came up with a fast charging technology of their own. The battery is able to charge in a short time despite the big battery capacity. For example, OnePlus have come up with dash charge technology and able to charge a battery up to 60% just in 30 minutes. Other manufacturer like Apple have their own fast charging technology but they do not give the user the fast charging power supply in the box. User need to buy it at their retail store for a few hundreds.
Why battery capacity decreases over time ?
A new phone such as iPhone 7 plus has an capacity of 2700 mAh. A phone with this capacity can easily get you all day with a single charge with a normal usage. Using a phone constantly or heavy usage all day will reduce the battery charge and you won’t be able to last a day with a single charge. A phone that is constantly charging will reduce the charging cycle of a battery. Once the battery pass 500 or a few hundred charging cycle, you can notice a difference on how long the battery can last with a single charge. Obviously a new battery and a 2 years old battery does not have the same capacity to hold the charge.
The question is why.
A user that charges their phone once daily will notice a small difference with their battery capacity. But compared to a user that charges their phone 2-4 times a day, this user will notice a significant difference in their battery capacity. This is because the more you charge a phone, the battery won’t be able to hold the charges as good as it used to do. Once the battery is slowly stop holding the charge it is supposed to hold, the user will notice the change in their battery capacity.

Mr Hafiz joining our lucky draw contest after repairing his shop
Luckily this problem only concern the battery and doesn’t concern other parts of the phone. Mr Hafiz came to our shop stating that his phone battery is draining fast and he can’t last a day with his phone.We inspected his phone and turns out his battery capacity is really bad, we advised him to replace the battery with a YooBao battery. YooBao batteries has an upgraded capacity and can fit in the phone like a normal battery. We provide 18 months of warranty for YooBao battery, so customers can use the battery with an ease of mind. Mr Hafiz was very happy with his phone and joined our luck draw. We are offering Apple Smart Watch Series 2 as the main prize and other prizes up to RM 500.
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