Hello everyone! Today’s post is a quick one. I would like to announce that IPRO Ampang will not be operating in between 4th till 9th June.



We would like to wish you all Selamat Hari Raya! Let us all take a few days from the hustle and bustle from the city and spend some time with our family and relatives! We hope that you have a meaningful Ramadhan and did a lot of good deeds during the Holy month! Let’s put it in our mind and heart that a good deed is never lost and what is given is always returned.



Just a heads up, we will open back on 10th June which falls on Monday. I am speaking this on behalf of every IPRO staffs, we would like to seek apology to any customers that gave us poor harsh reviews, from the bottom of our hearts, beseeching and downcast saying that we are sorry for any inconvenience!


Once again, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin! Have a good one!

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